September 28, 2017

Mirriam and her friend Susan. Grade Three students at Twatemwa School have been out of school for the last three days. Instead of playing around, they are coming here to Living Compassion to read in the library.

The big mulberry tree here is now full of berries which the children love to eat during their break time.

Veronica helping prepare the vegetables for lunch during her break.

Our very own Olina Luchembe is now feeling well and has started going to school. Olina has sickle cell anemia.

This is one of the berries that the chidren love to pick from the big mulberry tree.

Writing in Beatrice's class. It is amazing to watch a child take baby steps in learning to hold a pencil. This little one will be writing on his own in just a year from now.

Little Eva, who is Veronica's grandaughter, poses for a photo. She is in Malila's class.

One of the ever smiling cute faces of Kantolomba!

Little Angela trying her best to sing. She is a student in Memory's class.