
2019 Programs

Joyful Eating
Cost/ $50
Duration/ 4 weeks

4 - 5pm PT
November 20, 27, Dec. 4, 11
Registration Deadline:
November 18, 2019
Non-refundable after registration closes

This time of year can be a challenging time for practicing presence with food. Without the support of the Mentor and Sangha, egocentric karmic conditioning/self-hate can turn joyful seasonal celebrations into opportunities for self-hate. We don't want to let that happen! This Group Coaching will provide support for conscious, joyful eating especially during the holiday season.

All proceeds will benefit the Living Compassion Project in Africa.

Note: all participants must have a recording device and a basic understanding of the R/L Practice as described in "What You Practice Is What You Have" or on the website,

Group Coaching consists of:

  • a weekly group call with a Zen Awareness Coach.
  • a mid-week email check in
  • Recording and Listening suggestions and tips