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Zen and the Enneagram: We Are All Nine Types
Friday, August 18
Class 7
Practicing with the orientation of Enneatype 6 reveals the extent to which a preoccupation with security is the orientation of a self that experiences itself to be separate from Life. Controlling outcomes, planning for all eventualities, predicting worst case scenarios, avoiding potential threats… becomes the focus of the attention when we are identified with fear.
With practice, we learn that being present gives us everything we need in any situation. There is nothing to worry about and no one to worry! In fact, dis-identifying from “me” is the key to dissolving both fear and anxiety.
Let’s move to Enneatype Seven that has quite a different view from the Six!
Type Seven – The Enthusiast
Worldview: Life is an adventure with limitless possibilities.
Belief: Life is about experiencing as much as possible. There are too many wonderful options to spend time wallowing in pain and difficulty. Closing down options is like being trapped. Even bad things are good because you learn something from them!
Focus of Attention: Pleasant future options, fun
Seven’s are pleasure seekers and planners, in search of distraction.
They are essentially concerned that their lives be an exciting adventure. Sevens are future oriented, restless people who are generally convinced that something better is just around the corner. They are enthusiasts who enjoy the pleasures of the senses and who don't believe in any form of self-denial.
Sevens are also practical people who have multiple skills. When they are able to focus their talents, they are often highly successful. (For example, famous Sevens include JFK, Bette Midler, and Mozart.) Focusing does not always come easily for Sevens, however. Their tendency to believe that something better awaits them makes them reluctant to narrow down their options or to pursue their aims with true devotion.
The central problem for Sevens is that their pursuit of pleasure is compulsive. Sevens are fear types who are specifically afraid of the power of negative states of mind. These they avoid by seeking distractions in the external environment: by multi-tasking, keeping their options open, and engaging in stimulation-seeking of all kinds. For this reason, Sevens are more prone than most to addictions of all sorts—shopping, gambling, drugs, etc.
Sevens usually have a high opinion of themselves and their talents; they tend to focus on their strengths and virtues and to downplay their flaws and vices. They are often a bit self-centered, which manifests in an unfounded feeling of entitlement. As Sevens don't want to confront their own darker emotions, they also have difficulty acknowledging the pain that others experience, and sometimes have a hard time seeing the reality of other people.
The extent of the Seven's flight from negative emotions is really a measure of the Seven's mental health; the more a Seven flees from negative emotions, the more likely they are to develop some form of anxiety disorder or have severe depressive episodes.
How are you an Enneatype Seven? How do some of the qualities, processes, and characteristics of the Enthusiast show up in you? How does avoiding confronting what is painful prevent you from being compassionate? In what way does escaping into fantasy and planning for the future prevent you from experiencing the richness of the present? What role does distraction play in your life?
In 50 words or fewer, write to us about your process. Here is the link to use:
Submit your response after 9.00 a.m. PDT on Monday, Aug. 21. Submissions received before 9:00 a.m. PDT on Monday, Aug. 21 will not be accepted.
All submissions and responses will be posted as Cheri finishes with them. As we begin posting Cheri’s responses for each class, we will send a notice. All of the assignments can also be found here: https://www.livingcompassion.
When writing your responses, please pay attention to spelling and punctuation. This will help Cheri to more easily discern your meaning.
We recommend recording the class, listening to it, responding, and recording your response before submitting it. Remember to include “R/L” with your response to indicate that you are Recording & Listening.