
If You Are New

“The quality of your life is determined by the focus of your attention.”
– Cheri Huber

Here are some ways to familiarize yourself with what this Practice offers.

Listen to free audio downloads of these books by Cheri. Familiarize yourself with the vocabulary of this Practice and the unique and powerful principles that support us to direct the attention.

There Is Nothing Wrong with You
The Fear Book
The Key 
The Depression Book

Find other books by Cheri at

A Taste of Sangha
Dip into this 20-year archive of recordings of “Open Air” in which practitioners such as yourself have called in to explore their practice. These recordings will give you a sense of the community of practitioners that are walking this path.

You can also call in and talk to Cheri directly.

Have questions on meditation? Read Nothing Happens Next.  Then practice meditating with a virtual sitting group.

New to meditation? Get an orientation from this download.

Self-Guided Workshop
This is an experiential practice of awareness. Participate in a Conversation with the Guide on the topic of Anxiety to get a flavor of how training is offered.

Recording & Listening
Learn about this magical tool of Awareness Practice and discover Compassionate Acceptance at the touch of a button.

What’s going on in Practice
Browse Cheri’s blog, the Monthly Recollection, Musings, and Practice Corner.

Read about our work in Kantolomba, a community in Zambia.

Other Offerings
Sign up for our mailing list to learn about workshops, email classes and other programs