Seven seems to be the enneagram that I relate to the least. Interesting to see this: that as a six, seven traits seem somewhat scary. Fearful of that "out of control" ness. More to see here! Perhaps that is it, that fleeing from, that I am sensing? R/L
Good place to look! What’s there right before that message of “too scary/out of control” takes over? When we’re paying close attention in that way, we can see the impulse from Life that’s followed in a fraction of a second by ego’s “NO!” It may not yell the “no,” but the message is clear. Gassho
I employ distraction through busyness, multi-tasking, reading, tv watching, afraid of being stuck alone with ego and unpleasant emotions. Husband claims I have a decade-at-a-glance calendar, another way out of the present moment in favor of an alternative future. Mentor: Let’s try the adventure of exploring here and now. R/L.
No kidding! Great encouragement from the Mentor—as always. Attempting to avoid ego and unpleasant emotions by engaging in mindless distracting activity is like attempting to get rid of blackmailers by giving them money! Those behaviors give ego a clear signal that, “This one is onboard, fully with us.” To make it worse, every moment we spend “feeding” egocentric karmic conditioning/self-hate weakens us and strengthens it. So, yes, time to get with the Mentor and start building your choosing-freedom muscles. Gassho
After years of escapism, I now rarely read fiction or watch TV/movies. I still seek novelty in day to day life, need distraction to not be alone with ego. Eventually I run out of distraction and ego starts tearing me down. I turn to doing to shut it up.
First, please read what I just wrote to your neighbor. Trying to get away from ego is a really, really bad plan. Second, if you want to get to the other side of this, PLEASE, develop a Recording and Listening practice, including a relationship with the Mentor. I PROMISE that if you do you will no longer choose distraction, ego will no longer be able to “tear you down,” and you will not need to turn to “doing” to shut it up. Feeding ego is never going to make it go away! Gassho
I relate to cramming in as many experiences as possible. Egocentrickarmicconditioningselfhate again takes a human capacity (for adventure) and builds separateness. Distraction/planning essentially run most meditation sessions. It feels more anxious than exciting, but perhaps it's the same duality. Grateful to see that avoiding confrontation of what's painful prevents compassion. R/L
That is good to see, isn’t it? Now you get to question that premise. How do you know that what’s being avoided is so painful it would overshadow compassion? (I can promise you it isn’t.) You have to find out for yourself, don’t you? Here’s a suggestion: Explore what has been designated “too painful” from compassion. First, go to compassion, then bring in the “what’s painful.” Next suggestion: Watch to see if what’s painful is an experience or a story. With me? Gassho
Seeing how ego clings to multi-tasking and distractions. In Presence, there is acceptance and gratitude. In conditioned mind, there is that belief about even bad things being good and I see it’s a set-up. Looking to Life I am filled with encouragement and the unconditional, friendly and unafraid. R/L
We are reading a lot about “multitasking” as one of egocentric karmic conditioning/self-hate’s favorite scams. Why would that be such a favorite with ego when scientific types who study such things say multitasking doesn’t work, isn’t possible. The very simple answer is that it’s a favorite with ego because it doesn’t work. It’s not supposed to “work;” it’s meant to make people urgent and inattentive—and it does that! So, yes, ego will cling to all things that feed it and our job is to cut it off. Quite simple and straightforward really. Gassho
Seeing how the restless “Zest for life” was an a way of blocking discomfort, but it kept me on the run, leading to anxiety and depression. The belief: “You can’t handle the darker emotions”. Fact: In connection with Life: I’m adequate to the spectrum of emotions and life. R/L
Yes! What emotions are darker than anxiety and depression!? When we are HERE, present with what Life is actually unfolding, we find we are perfectly adequate to everything that actually IS. What we’re not equal to is ego’s imaginary world of “everything that could go wrong will go wrong all at once.” No one could be adequate to that, and no one needs to be because it’s imaginary. Well done! Gassho
Fleeing from anger, fear, boredom, I often reach for a book or social media. I am looking for something inspiring, something to uplift. Actually, egocentrickarmicconditioning/self hate is looking to distract me from what is. From this moment, where everything is possible. R/L
You got it! Egocentric karmic conditioning/self-hate is ALWAYS looking to distract us from what IS. It wants people in that faux “reality” of “Oh, no, you’re going to feel something you can’t stand; come with me into a world of unconscious distraction from which I can suck the life force out of you and you won’t notice.” We get into THIS moment, thisherenow, and all is possible, and we are equal to what Life gives us. Gassho
We are all types dropped in when I strongly identify with 7. Practice showed me the way through negative emotions and opening for compassion for this human. Now I want to help training for presence that's where pleasure and adventure resides. R/L
Which argues for saying YES, doesn’t it? Once you choose to be in compassion, for “this” and all beings, the way is clear to receive all the pleasure and adventure Life offers. Keep up the good work, and, should you choose, “pick up the pace.” Gassho
Ego definitely avoids darker emotions. This seems to manifest primarily in intellectual pursuits (like a 5) but I can also see how my kayaking/ language learning/ salsa dancing/ traveling arose in part out of the ego's 7-like grasping for external salvation! Nonetheless, thanks to practice, this being experienced life!
Excellent! There’s nothing unavailable to us with presence, is there? We can enjoy any activities we choose from center! I think this is your point: First embrace what egocentric karmic conditioning/self-hate calls “darker emotions,” so the human being is freed from fear, and then, VOILA! JOY! Gassho
Today I feel excited about EVERYTHING! I want to do it all! And I could--I'm good at it. Where to begin?? What does this excitement mean I should do?! Rats--now that feeling's gone--I didn't get around to anything. Aware I should remove the "should" from the process. R/L
Uh huh, and what we’ve been enjoying via Project Joy is asking Life, “what now?” not “what’s next.” That takes us out of the moment. “What does this excitement mean I should do?” is a very quick trip out of excitement, isn’t it? You saw it! That’s how ego siphons off the energy. Now what you get to practice is keeping attention on the excitement as you allow awareness to expand so when Life drops in the answer to “what now?” you’re there to receive it. Got it? Excellent! Gassho
Nothing about this sounded like me, but is exactly like a good friend. Then I realized it used to be me, and I moved so far into planning activities to distract myself, that all that's left are the activities. I'll replace activities with being present. R/L
Paying attention is SO rewarding, isn’t it? Good to realize we can have both presence and activities. In the pseudo reality of egocentric karmic conditioning/self-hate, we must always “decide” between two sides of a duality. Active OR sitting at home “being present.” Not at all. We can be present in each moment, fully engaged with Life. Way more fun, huh? Gassho
CLASS 7 BATCH 6 added to 5
I see a pattern of substances used to avoid anger, sadness, depression and also a pattern of not seeing others pain, but instead wanting to distract them or fix the negative state. Compassion working with 'negative' emotions - mine and others -is a practice that is relatively new for me. R/L
I appreciate the quotes around ‘negative.’ We’ve been heavily conditioned to believe there are positive and negative emotions, keeping in mind that everything in the dualistic world of egocentric karmic conditioning/self-hate is presented as opposites. We’re supposed to chase the positives and avoid the negatives at any cost. But what are we really talking about here? When we look closely at what “emotions” are, we can only find sensations in the body and stories in the head about the sensations. That’s it. What’s the huge advantage to realizing this? As soon as we stop believing the sensations in the body are dangerous, and stop being afraid of what the voices in the head are going on about, we don’t need to be afraid of anything labeled “negative” emotions. What a deal, huh? A practice well worth pursuing! Gassho
I see times when I have a lot to do in my project that I avoid with TV or reading something interesting. I have also difficulty for finish projects and I jump from one to another -the next one is really great-. Same for relations. R/L
I sense you’re seeing that this egocentric karmic conditioning/self-hate bamboozle is not serving you. True? And you’re taking steps to turn that around? The Mentor is assisting? Gassho
7 is hidden ego-identity. Secretly hold a high opinion of self, no flaws, don’t recognize “my” pain let alone others’. Definitely can use alcohol to defend against/distract from negative emotions, leading to depression. When ask, “is that true?” and/or “who says so?” I open to Life’s compassion for all. R/L
Very good! We have to be open to seeing what’s going on if we’re going to have a hope of having the life we choose. If we don’t ever question what egocentric karmic conditioning/self-hate is doing to us, if we just assume what it’s saying is true, we’re stuck and stymied. As soon as we step back to question the authority of that voice in the head, we’re able to move into the compassion that let’s us end all fear. It’s a practice, isn’t it? And so worth it! Gassho
7: Could so relate to avoiding what is painful. The outfall of this identification is a harsh attitude towards others of "get over it." The only getting over it is facing it. In the facing of it I soften and find compassion. R/L
Beautiful! You’ve articulated that process so succinctly and, for anyone open to the possibility, so encouragingly. We don’t want to be harsh and cruel. Ego certainly is fine with that, but that’s not what we want. Proving that to ourselves is such a giant step toward the freedom from ego suffering we long for. Gassho
I am definitely afraid of dark/ negative emotions. Scared they will swallow me whole. Use physical activity/exersice to keep them at bay. The words "feel panic" keep arising in this class whenever I see a process and consider looking closer. I am seeing that it is egocentric karmic conditioning/self hate's MO.
Yes! Do you have a Recording and Listening practice? Please start one if not. When we see that we’re being gripped in an orientation to Life that we don’t choose, we get the courage to go up against the bully in the head. That’s the encouragement to engage with the Mentor and R/L. We need all the support we can get when we take on the bully—and the Mentor is the bully-buster par excellence! Gassho
Our fun vacation was threaten yesterday and Ego attacked. So many issues to focus on. Tears turned attention to fears and stories dropped. Fun is available again today and going with flow. So grateful and upping practice. R/L
Yea! That’s how it happens. We do the practice. We pay attention and see how life works. We realize egocentric karmic conditioning/self-hate is not our friend, that the voices lie, that there’s nothing to fear, and we start making different choices. When we reach that point in practice, when gratitude and having fun become our experience, we’re ready to “up” our practice. Practice works and, wanting our lives to work, we choose practice. Very good! Gassho
Turning away from "unpleasantness" distracts me from the gift of that moment. When I am there for it, each moment is a gift, even the unpleasant ones. Gassho R/L
And when we realize each moment is a gift, we realize there are no unpleasant moments, true? We see things that we wish were different, and we can contribute to making the changes we’d like to see happen for the world, while realizing that each moment brings us the opportunity to choose compassion and lovingkindness. Knowing we have that opportunity and can make that choice truly is a gift, isn’t it? Gassho
I saw awareness collapse completely into watching a movie - the body was gone! 7 is primary programming for this human, and I had never noticed this. I'm watching how energy is in the body when engaged in social media and other distractions. R/L
Great point. We’re either giving and receiving energy with Life, or we’re having it siphoned off by egocentric karmic conditioning/self-hate. There aren’t other choices. Again, it’s not that a person can’t be present while watching a movie—though it does require practice! Gassho
Egocentrickarmicconditioning/self-hate's belief that something better awaits = "when I finish 'THIS', I can enjoy life". Seeking pleasure/distraction is not essential concern; prefer being around positive/optimistic folks practicing "focus of attention determines life experience". Ego's positive future fantasies are old/fading habit. Now dropping stories for joy in present moment/THN. Gassho/R/L.
It’s just simply a better, happier way to live, isn’t it? It’s not that we’re bad people for getting snookered by ego’s bamboozles, it’s just that realizing the empty promises for what they are, we choose something better. Once we know the truth of “the quality of our life is determined by the focus of our attention,” we know we want attention on Life in thisherenow. Simple. Thank you for that. Gassho
While looking for 7 qualities, I saw a version of entitlement as "this is tough. I shouldn't have to deal with this." It took me quickly into conversation with egocentrickarmicconditioning about what is wrong with everything, especially me. Noticing tightness in my body brought me back to Life. Gassho. R/L
Ooohhhh, good to see. You make a great case for being present. If you didn’t have a practice of paying attention to everything in thisherenow, you’d have missed that conversation and been plunged into suffering. But you know how to be HERE. So you caught it, saw it, didn’t fall for it, and used what ego has used to hook you as a signal to come to presence. Well done! Gassho