Struggling with 7's. It's a conscious choice not to spend time with negative people. Life is an adventure- like awareness practice. It's good to see egocentrickarmicconditioning/self-hate is like being with a negative person. I keep watching to be free and enjoy my adventure. R/L
Well stated! Egocentric karmic conditioning/self-hate is EXACTLY like being with the world’s MOST negative person! It’s a non-person and it epitomizes negative. And, you’re right, without egocentric karmic conditioning/self-hate we are free to enjoy our great Life adventure. Gassho
When my sister's son died at the age of 8, the pain was unbearable and I shut down. When my friend was diagnosed with ALS, I went into deep denial. After the denial, I feel guilty and keep doing things to help and appease self-hate that accompanies guilt. Gassho R/L
Hopefully with awareness practice, Recording and Listening, and the assistance of the Mentor you’re learning how NOT to let self-hate be a controlling force that shuts you down, puts you in denial, and produces guilt. We can never “appease” self-hate. It’s an insatiable hungry ghost. The more we give it the more it wants, and what it wants is our attention/life force. Gassho
I relate most to the Seven desire to keep options open, and the fear that pursuing their aims with true devotion requires narrowing options. Living in the present moment allows for all possibilities, including delightful surprises. R/L
Exactly so! There’s the crucial insight—Life is way better than anything ego can come up with. PERIOD. Gassho
Egocentrickarmicconditioning/self-hate has been telling me I'm not a 7 and should be more like one as they are "fun". Ha! So good to see that all the types are just different ways we are separated from authenticity. Reading "Closing down options is like being tapped"... an aha moment! Gassho R/L
Yea! We were hoping the insight that “all the types are just different ways we are separated from authenticity” would be the takeaway from this email class. Very helpful to realize the voices of egocentric karmic conditioning/self-hate, being focused on separating a human being from authenticity in order to get attention and siphon off life force, will yammer about anything that’s “wrong” and/or “not enough.” We’re learning to “pay them no mind.” (What a great phrase; never saw it like that before!) Gassho
Relating to seven's avoidance of confronting what's painful. Very painful content right now and the allure of distraction... anything to pull attention away from pain of right here wins out sometimes... usually television or sweets. Neither supports the human. Now seeing how turning to recorder is way more supportive. R/L
YES! We have tools to assist us to choose Life rather than ego in painful times. There’s someone struggling with painful life circumstances, and the voices of self-hate offer sweets and television. Yikes, huh? When we turn to the Mentor, we’re given all the support, lovingkindness, wisdom, and understanding we need to make it through anything and come out the other side stronger and more compassionate. Grab that recorder and don’t turn loose. Oh, and, yes, stick with Sangha! Gassho
Avoiding what is painful keeps me in motion, not stopping to feel and digest the emotion. This perpetuates illusion of separation in relationship, something wrong. Compassionate communication with recorder softens the body, and contraction arises with other when other does not hear. R/L
Hmm…. I was right with you until the last piece of that last sentence. I think you’re seeing that avoidance is what’s keeping you in busyness, keeping you from what you’re feeling. That constant motion fosters a belief that there’s something wrong, and that belief keeps you separate in relationship—everywhere actually, but you recognize it’s happening in relationships. When you talk with the Mentor via Recording and Listening, you can feel the body softening—an indication that you’re HERE. And, you’re seeing that the tension returns—followed by a return to the get moving/feel separate/something wrong—when someone else doesn’t hear you? Yes? Maybe? I hope you’re realizing it does not matter if nobody ever hears you as long as you hear you. Yes. Truly. Gassho
I often get caught in seeking pleasant feelings or zoning out when given the opportunity to do something productive or that I longed to do. It is the falling asleep while meditating, because well, sleep is so nice. Beyond that though, it is looking for safety/ease as suggested by egocentrickarmicconditioning/self-hate.
And it seems from what you’ve written that you’re on to it? Can’t really tell. Sleeping when meditating is not “so nice,” except for the ego maintenance system that will suck the life out of you as you sleep through meditation! Do you have an R/L practice? It would serve you well. It would go a long way toward stopping the victimization ego has you caught in. Gassho
Distraction! American culture says “do 3 things at once!”, yet I realize I'm not fully present in any of them. Encounter resistance to just doing 1 “boring” thing like dishes –egocentric karmicconditioning tells me I’ll never get everything done or I’ll miss out if I mindfully do one thing at a time.
Have you heard the rumor that egocentric karmic conditioning/self-hate lies? It’s actually true. It does. What it’s trying to get you to believe is that being present with the Intelligence that animates is boring. Being in the presence of God is boring. You’ll miss out on something if you’re “at one with all that is.” Hmm. I don’t think so, do you? Got an R/L practice? Get one and you will 1) never be bored again, and 2) realize that rather than missing out, presence is the way to “have it all.” Gassho
I remember when I started "living" a rich fantasy life to survive my environment. I see an opportunity to hold the hand of the little one that needed to hide/escape. And to come back to thisherenow. Thisherenow seems especially rich as I welcome in lost parts. R/L
A word of encouragement: All we need is presence. Everything is embraced in thisherenow. No one is lost, left out, or needy. As we slip into the nonseparate reality that is thisherenow, we realize all that ever needed to happen was the removal of attention from the “I.” Gassho
See seven’s avoidance/aversion in constant planning for what to do next. Then the next thing is here and I don’t know how to be here for it. Also noticing the belief that life should be full of adventures, adventures that are always better some where else that the ones Here. R/L
What a scam, huh? The thing you said that will change the life of anyone who gets it is: “Then the next thing is here and I don’t know how to be here for it.” That’s it! That’s why practicing to be in thisherenow is the whole deal. We have sayings such as, “The way to guarantee a happy future is to have a happy present.” Same thing. If we can’t have it NOW, we will never have it. Simple as that. Great catch! Gassho
Wow. So all this leaving the moment to "live in possibility" may be 7 Enneatype egocentric karmic conditioning/self-hate.... I THOUGHT I was living in possibility (a good thing); but see I was leaving the moment to do so. Hmm, what, then, is "living in possibility?" Gassho. R/L
Where would “living in possibility” happen if not in thisherenow? (Your koan should you choose to accept it.) Gassho
Avoidance/denial keeps ego so busy! There are a million things that "need" doing. "Doing" never relieves the tension. The avoided thing looms larger, stuck, and then over time recedes to the background. A regret that lingers. Fodder for egos beatings, forever! R/L
Ego is an endless loop of beatings and suffering, isn’t it? It gives people the “thing to do” that will be the solution, and of course it isn’t! What’s left? Beatings and suffering. You’re seeing it. Seeing it, you will see where to put those “snips” in the loop. Have you heard of “karma nippers”? This is a job for karma nippers. You see the karma of avoiding come up, and you grab those nippers for a quick snip, snip. Cut it off. Karma nippers and recording devices go well together, and the Mentor is a premier karma nipper. Gassho
Notice competing with friends over who is having the most fun, a process that’s decidedly not fun! When identified, “fun” is really more of a distraction, perhaps fun but rarely satisfying. From presence, fun is both fun and satisfying, quelching any need for comparison. R/L
Simple. Straighforward. Clear. Kind. Compassionate. Fun. Satisfying. You make a marvelous case for living in thisherenow. Thank you. Gassho
I've never looked here before. I can't stand feeling low and habitually avoid those feelings. I'm learning to be present to them. I'm pretty sure that snacking and seeking sugar is related to the avoidance strategy and scrolling internet news (although that doesn't always make me feel better!) Gassho R/L
But those things make ego feel better! That’s the piece you’re catching on to. The voices of egocentric karmic conditioning/self-hate start in with what will make you feel “low.” Then they tell you that you can’t feel that way; it’ll be horrible, unbearable in some unspecified way. Then a solution is offered. Have a snack; find some sugar to munch while you poke around on the internet. THAT is a program of unconsciousness, and ego thrives in human unconsciousness! I was speaking with a neighbor a couple of doors up about “karma nippers.” You might choose to avail yourself of that suggestion. You’re seeing what’s going on, and you’re ready to employ them. Gassho
Planning for that future trip/ experience is the reward for this "hard" life says egocentric karmicconditioning/self hate. Know that being present to this life is the reward. R/L
That’s huge, isn’t it? Egocentric karmic conditioning/self-hate is angling night and day to make perfectly fine lives miserable, then offers avoidance and distraction as the solution to the supposedly miserable life it’s orchestrating, then sucks the rest of the life force out of the hapless human via stories of disappointment and hopelessness. AND THERE’S NOTHING WRONG!!! As you’ve noted, being present to one’s life IS the reward. Throw in the joy and gratitude that IS presence, and we’re in a blissful trajectory over the moon! Well done! Gassho
The voices tell me to avoid sadness because it will lead to a bottomless pit of despair. The bamboozle is the loss compassion for myself and others and loss the rich, present moment. The conditioned behavior is to chase adventures, plan vacations and stay bright, sunny and kind of empty.
More than “kind of” empty, would you say? There just isn’t any adventure or vacation or bright and sunny that will compensate us for the life we’ve been robbed of. I project what you’re seeing is a willingness to explore sadness. What if this “thing” you’ve been threatened with all your life turns out to be a gift, a blessing, a way to connect with compassion for all beings? Now there’s a “what if” we want to get with, huh? Gassho
Tend to have very big dreams, get very excited about them, & think at times that I can achieve them. (Wonder if this is a 7 subpersonality.) The "reality" of events often disappoints --> low opinion of self (another sub). Less identified with this in recent years, but still can be. R/L
It might be helpful to let go attempting to see processes as “people.” We can get caught up in a process such as “big dreams,” which, under the direction of egocentric karmic conditioning/self-hate, will distract us from the present. That process is followed by another process in which the big dreams don’t come to the fruition ego had promised. This is followed by a process of disappointment as ego most likely blames the human being for 1) getting caught up in pipe dreams, and 2) being the failure that couldn’t make it happen. Something like that. Seeing those as conditioned processes rather than “people” (subpersonalities) “doing” those things can assist in streamlining the stepping back (disidentification) process. See what I mean? Gassho
Distraction is huge to conditioning. I’m supposed to believe that life is so awful that I need to distract from it. But don’t worry, says ego, because it’ll be great in the future when I get what “I want.” What do “I” want? Anything, as long as it’s not now. R/L
Would it be safe to say you have seen through the con? That’s so powerful! All ego wants is an imaginary future in which it can appear to exist. Anything other than the present, where it most assuredly does NOT exist. As we know the cure for all stories of “life is so awful” is regular doses of gratitude! Well done! Gassho
Resentment process. Reaction from an identified place/ Anger. 7 shows up as a way to distract from the pain, never wanting to check the reality. Through R/L was able to accept/ validate the victim. Relief. Seperately 7 shows up when ordinary tasks are involved/wants to postpone them. Not exciting. R/L
And you’re seeing that what’s NOT exciting is ego, yes? Ego wants suffering, the more the better! What’s going to cause suffering? Listen to and believe stories of resentment, anger, disappointment; never check anything out; avoid the person and the situation; distract, feel bad, believe guilt, should, shouldn’t, can’t stories; and ABOVE ALL, never be present for any wisdom and guidance from Life. Thank goodness for R/L and the Mentor! Great job. Gassho
Relate to fear of missing-out/loosing options and discomfort arising when I face dark emotions and ego piles on top fears about what these emotions mean about life. Class is helping w/shift from what I need to fix about ME, to many kinds of karma I can choose to drop moment-by-moment.
That’s great! Yes to dropping the belief that you’re the problem that needs to be fixed and seeing the moment-by-moment opportunities to drop karma. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, the Mentor and R/L will assist you in ways you cannot currently imagine. Gassho
5 and 7 in a karmic energy dance: Swept up into hyperactivity when 7 in control of the calendar--participating in everything possible with no down time. Exhausted and overwhelmed, 5 grabs the calendar and retreats into isolation. Wow--this dance has gone on my entire life! R/L Gassho
AND NOW YOU SEE IT! Isn’t that marvelous? Now you have choice. Now you can use the tools awareness practice provides to free the human being. Oh, happy day! Oh, happy blessed day! (Visit your neighbors right beneath you who are having similar insights, please.) Gassho
Distraction promises excitement, color, vibrancy. When identified, I'm told presence is "boring." I'm seeing the irony that when I'm actually in presence, my experience is of a richness, aliveness, and a flow of energy. The distraction, on the other hand, is a static program that always ends in suffering. R/L
We need drum rolls and crashing cymbals for these kinds of insights! We are in a “vortex of insight” here! It’s so fun when a bunch of similar “lit up with awarenesses” responses come in together. It’s as if we hit some sort of tipping point. Let’s celebrate, shall we? I’m going to make a “call and response” THANK YOU recording, employing as many languages and using as many variations in emphasis as I can manage. Perhaps those of you enjoying such clarity will call Project Joy or Open Air and tell us about your celebrations? Gassho
See much attention on pleasant future options like upcoming vacation. “Can have fun then--,” indicating I’m not having fun now! Focus on future ignores human suffering now, subjected to “low grade” suffering that had become normal, background, unnoticed. No longer! Urge to escape now recognized as signal I’m identified. R/L
Well done! You have officially joined your neighbors in the “insight vortex.” Those are insights such as “see what egocentric karmic conditioning/self-hate is doing, committing not to fall for the bamboozle any more, going to use ‘urge to escape’ as a signal I’m identified—that will bring me back to center.” I added that last piece but I’m sure you agree! Gassho
Strong 7, similar process to 3-Achiever: thoughts drift towards ideal futures and expectation to achieve vision. Notice vision changes frequently. When feeling sad/confused/frustrated turn to, “How can I fix this?” or “What am I gaining from this?” Know I think highly of myself, but difficult to see unfounded entitlement.
Possibly, the clearest example for all of us of “unfounded entitlement” is the assumption that we should have the life we want, the assumption that our life should be different from the way it is when we’re not getting what we want. I’m going to project we have similar lives, and if that’s the case we are among a very small percentage of the world population living such lives of privilege. Do we often question that privilege? Most people don’t. Most privileged people just complain about the few small things that don’t go the way they want. Know what I mean? Gassho
Contemplating 7 brought tears, especially idea of power in negative states of mind because egocentrickarmicconditioning/self-hate works so hard to keep them at bay. Stimulation-seeking, focusing on strengths and discounting flaws, blind to other’s pain, etc., are daily experience. Aspire to adventure, possibility, and fun but experience is often hollow. R/L
Are you sensing the tears are coming from relief at the possibility of not being subjected to egocentric karmic conditioning/self-hate’s manipulative machinations? Were you seeing a possibility that you could have a life of adventure, possibility, and fun from center? If that’s the case, you’re absolutely correct. That life is ours to have as soon as we bring attention back from ego and give attention to Life. That’s where awareness practice comes in, yes? Gassho
I see 7 where I am a "joiner". Particularly with fitness activities, I can't "just do it." I "have to" tread about it, study it, sign up for teacher trainings, and immerse myself. It lasts several years then on to the next. Never saw it before. Gassho.
Helpful to see, isn’t it? Now please don’t let egocentric karmic conditioning/self-hate turn that into a “something wrong with you that needs fixing.” If you do, you’ll have to go through the process you described for several years, and you really don’t need to do that! Just enjoy the insight and remember you don’t need to let ego behaviors control you. An excellent way to be able to remember these insights (the only one that doesn’t drag you around until you get another chance to see it at god knows what future date) is Recording and Listening. Do yourself an enormous favor and start that practice, please. Gassho
The busy enthusiast paints over loneliness and being without “the expectation of an all fulfilling mate”. Coping for lack of self-love and negative voices with business and escape. Avoid the beauty of the here and now with “shadow comforts” and addiction to stuff the void. R/L
It sounds as if that’s something you used to do a lot of and now not so much? Seeing all those beliefs and behaviors as part of one “syndrome” is immensely helpful. When you see any of them—busy, enthusiastic (in a rather manic way?), expectation, escape, shadow comforts and addiction to stuff—they can become signals to get attention on thisherenow. Looking for love and a lack of hateful voices in Presence seals the deal. Gassho
Seeing that I can be a 7 by a) fleeing negative emotions through activity: cleaning, worrying that I’m not “doing” something at the moment, escaping to drinking alcohol b) stuck in cycle of wanting to start side business but can’t execute on one idea, get distracted by voices of better idea
Sounds mighty 7-ish, doesn’t it? I bet by now you’re anticipating this question, but I have to ask it anyway: Do you have a Recording and Listening practice? I PROMISE you that having 24/7 access to wisdom, love, and compassion via the Mentor will end all those suffering places. Not a single one of those issues is insurmountable, and certainly not worth giving a perfectly fine life for. Give it a go? Gassho