Nine expresses as “don’t rock the boat” or denial, and hunkers down to survive the storm, avoiding hot topics. Recognizing the enneatypes equate to aspects of the personality. Watching how thoughts trigger a feeling that leads to identification. The Enneagram shorthand makes it easier to recognize these personalities arising. Gasssho R/L
Yes, and perhaps even more helpful is to simply recognize the karmic tendencies that lead to the unconsciousness that opens the way to identification with ego. It’s not that “personalities” are arising so much as seeing the progression of first there’s movement then sensation then a label/thought then an emotional reaction then conditioned behaviors. As soon as we recognize the thought that’s heading to that conditioned behavior, we can re-direct attention to presence and sidestep the whole karmic mess. See what I mean? Way quicker and easier! Gassho
Wanting to maintain peace no matter what, I have sometimes forgotten the heart’s deepest desire, to be free from suffering. Forgetting only brings more suffering. With a strong Recording and Listening practice, I’m allowed to be with and move through disturbances and be guided by wisdom, love and compassionate. R/L
GOOD FOR YOU! We don’t have to wait around and hope that someday, through some magical something, we’ll get to have the life we choose. We can choose that life now, and we have the tool (Recording and Listening) that allows us to have that life now. GOOD FOR YOU! Gassho
Forever the diplomat, the description of the 9 seems most like how my ego responds to life. Especially the inability to make decisions unless there is one external authority (chosen by 6!) to lean on or please. Suppression of anger and neglect of my own agenda, check. I spy egocentric karmic conditioning!"
Spy it but don’t own it, please. If we start thinking in terms of “my” ego, we’re in a relationship with ego that we really don’t want. Here’s something I’d like you to explore, should you choose to: Are you actually pleasing that “external authority”? We can be talked into a story of “I do everything for you,” but that story might not have anything to do with the “you” the story claims everything is being done for. If I decide I want to sacrifice my life for someone else, that’s my choice. And, it can be really important to see if the sacrifice I’m making is one the other person wants me to make. Know what I mean? Gassho
The message has been: look for the "middle, peaceful way,” which always led to somehow struggling internally to right the external world. When I stay here and engage in Life, the conflict “I” fear is an opportunity to look to mentor, engage, ask for help. The conflict is internal. R/L Gassho
Here we have another GOOD FOR YOU! Egocentric karmic conditioning/self-hate talks people into believing “the conflict I’m avoiding is out there,” but it isn’t out there, is it? It’s internal. Seeing that, we can begin to resolve the conflict where it resides—inside. The glorious news about that is that’s a location we can deal with! If the conflict is out there, my resources are limited by those “others.” But it’s inside. So I have absolute choice about the process and the outcome. Gassho
I do dislike conflict and enjoy trying to get people on the same page, but don't consider myself a peacemaker. I certainly don't avoid the dark side and am no pollyanna. But merging with others especially lovers, was a frequent impulse. Nines rarely win.
Hmm… Win at what? If the “game” is waking up and ending suffering, no ego identity is going to win, are they? If the game is “satisfying the ego,” are there ever winners? “Who” is that “I” making those statements, do you know? “What” has enough distance on the human being to be so definitive about how that person is? Gassho
When there is conflict I feel confusion. I act unaffected but resentment builds. Without checking into egocentrickarmicconditioning/self-hate first, saying "you don't know what to say, you'll look bad, emotional" the human could just be thisherenow. Going to take lots of conscious awareness practice. Gassho R/L
No reason to assume getting to thisherenow is going to take lots of conscious awareness practice. You’ve already done it! You’ve done it more than once. You know what it is and where it is. Right? Now, that said, I hope you’ll choose “lots of conscious awareness practice,” simply because it’s a way happier way to live. True? Gassho
"Do I agree or disagree" with others' agendas? How much time have I spent trying to figure out others' agendas, imagining I know, and wondering if I agree or disagree? Alot! So much more peaceful to not know and listen to my own heart. Doesn't appear to create a problem! R/L
Oh, praise be! It’s so much more peaceful to not know and to listen to your own heart, AND it doesn’t appear to create a problem! Isn’t that extraordinary to realize? You get to be present in your very own body and life, and there’s no problem! Hallelujah! Yes? Gassho
At work I frequently attached myself to a strong leader who gave me power and autonomy, but I never felt confident to be the leader person. Conditioning made me resent myself for that, but now I can see the value in what I did. R/L
Every step along the path is essential, isn’t it? Now you see the value. There never was a problem with what you were doing, was there? Isn’t that the best? You are free to be any way you choose! Gassho
The Mentor asks "why would we want to live if not to live a life we Want to live?" Let's practice doing that. Wanting to live a life we want to live... Is wanting to live. So, let's experience all that is wanting to live! Hooray! Gassho.... R/L
So, let’s practice doing that! Hooray, indeed! Congratulations! Gassho
There is least identification with Nine characteristics which sparks interest to see if they may be hiding out. No surprise if they are since there is judgement from the One that labels Nines "lazy" and unmotivated. Ha! Fascinating to see how conditioning labels and judges conditioning! R/L
What a great point! Conditioning projects, watches, labels, and judges—conditioning! We really don’t need to be involved in any of that mess, do we? Let it knock itself out trashing itself! We certainly don’t need to waste a moment caring. Has nothing to do with us. Thank you for that. Gassho
When egocentrickarmicconditioning/self-hate tries to con me into retreating from the wild, glorious unpredictability of life into the inertia and numbness of what it calls “comfort” and “peace of mind,” the mentor helps me remember that “I do not intend to tiptoe through life to arrive safely at death.” R/L Gassho
YES! Egocentric karmic conditioning/self-hate is a set of brakes meant to bring Life to a halt. But it doesn’t slow Life down a bit, does it? All that happens when we give ego the power to slam on the brakes is that we miss our “wild and glorious” life. We’re going to enjoy the comfort and peace of mind that Life gives us, right? And it does. And that’s the comfort and peace of mind we choose. We don’t choose the inertia and numbness that ego has on offer! Gassho
Compassion arises in seeing/accepting what feels karmically familiar for this peace-seeking being, the limitations of conflict avoidance at all costs and in choices made from egocentrickarmicconditioning/self-hate’s projections to withdraw rather than “hurt others”, and how prioritizing external focus interfered with attending to this being’s needs. Breathing in unconditional love/gratitude! Gassho R/L.
That’s the answer for us, isn’t it? “Breathing in unconditional love/gratitude.” We do that and all the ego “nonsense” just falls away. Ego’s crapola has NOTHING TO DO with who we are. It just simply doesn’t. We’re dropping the tired old ego maintaining habits and just breathing in unconditional love and gratitude. The secret to our success! Gassho
Nine process occurs with intimate friendships. “I” is concerned with being the ˜best’ friend by being low maintenance and avoiding confrontation. Sees self-effacing as building trust and intimacy. Seeks label of ‘better’ friend for self-sacrifice. Can sometimes prioritize important social relationships over personal commitments to practice, health and rest. R/L.
Fortunately, you’re practicing awareness and seeing all of that! Now, you do know that “I” is not at all concerned with you being the best friend, right? Ego is only concerned with you looking to it for “guidance,” and thereby giving ego the attention it is desperate to get. So, those false, often unexamined beliefs and assumptions get to run your life, and you’re convinced you should let them because they’re helping you to be the best friend. Now you get to explore whether your friends want you to be self-effacing and self-sacrificing. Ego certainly wants you to pursue those behaviors, but do those who love you? Important to find out, huh? Gassho
So interesting to see how egocentric karmic conditioning can use anything...even desire for harmony and peace and turn it into an opportunity to control us and keep us small. True peace comes from being aligned with Life which can require seemingly difficult choices...but only difficult for ego. R/L Gassho
Wow! That’s so big, isn’t it? Ego will use anything—especially our deepest heart’s desires—to control us and keep us small. True peace comes from being aligned with Life, AND what we’re conditioned to think of the “difficult choices” required to aligning with Life are only difficult choices for ego. As soon as we get HERE, everything is easy, isn’t it? Gassho
Seeing how avoiding conflict feels “better” at the time but leads to numbness, lack of connection that conflict avoidance is supposed to foster. Ego tricks me into abandoning my experience for other people’s “right” experience, cutting me off from myself too and leaving me alone with ego! Deep Gassho R/L
Another great catch! What you’re seeing is that abandoning yourself is supposed to bring you connection with others. You’re giving up yourself so other people get to have the “right” experience, and all you get is stuck with ego! No good, huh? What is good, though, is that you’ve seen it, and now you know exactly what the bamboozle is. No more! You’re on it and the tide she is a-turning. Gassho
This is my dominant go-to mindset. Definitely prefer to keep the peace, look on bright side, avoid "unnecessary" decisions. Even "where do you want to go to dinner?" Funny thing is it's so buried down there I often convince myself I don't have an opinion. Gassho
It was buried down there, right? Now you know what’s going on, how you’re being conned into abandoning yourself for no good reason! It’s supposed to give you something you want, but you’ve seen all abandoning yourself is ever going to result in is abandoning yourself! It’s not that we want to have “opinions” (those only perpetuate ego), but we do want to be able to respond to Life as Life unfolds in each moment. The new possibility is so exciting, isn’t it? Gassho
Some 9 qualities from other angles. Self neglecting - 3ness accomplishing? Decision challenges - 1ness. Suffering source: Avoiding “external” confronting/ conflict. Low desire to go w/ flow (significant duality). Significant suffering: “internal” conflict conversation. Would be interesting to look at “we’re all types” from “integrated” direction. (9ness harmony) J R/L
That’s a great idea. I will run that by the powers that be. Thank you. Gassho