Practice Corner

Practice Corner


What I’m currently seeing in my practice is the profound power of directing the attention. 

I had a recent experience of walking, being in ego stories—what’s not working, low energy, what’s wrong with me and everything, blah blah blah. At some point, the willingness to put in earbuds was there, and the many encouragements around attention and awareness we have been exploring as a Sangha came tumbling in. 

As I listened, it was incredible to watch the energy return. None of the so called “problems” ego had been going on about needed to be resolved…they just dissolved in presence. My gaze lifted upwards and I was shifted out of those stories and into the precious unfolding of the moment. What follows is an ode to some of the places I’m delighting in directing attention to currently.

Ode to Directing Attention
(To be read, or sung with gusto to a favorite tune!)

Deep breath in and out

Shoulders drop

Smile stretches across the face

Spring blossoms blossoming

Trees bursting forth and tree-ing

Recording and listening!

Kitties purring


Dogs, dogs SO excited to be outside!

Circles! Circles everywhere!

Gassho to the door

Recording and listening!

Ask a tree

Smell of damp earth

Moon gazing

What are the sounds?

Attention on awareness

Recording and listening!

How is Life Life-ing right now?

What’s in the sky?


Colors and light 

Recording and listening!

Being Happiness



Thank you

I love you


Jen Y.