Africa Project Update

It’s always good to remember that there is no such thing as “bad news.” When received in the context of Nothing Wrong, “bad news” is the portal for Life to show us What Now.

A number of our girls program participants have just completed the first term in a rigorous primary school. Across the board, our grade 4 girls received the overall comment of “Outstanding” in their teacher assessments. It confirms our hypothesis that early intervention is key. These girls have had strong educational support since grade 1.

Our grade 8 girls, also across the board, are not doing so well. Their teachers are optimistic that with increased support, they can ‘catch up’ with their peers. 

The parents of these grade 8 girls, all of whom a decade ago would have almost certainly been in the what’s-the-point-of-educating-a-girl-child-given-she-will-be-married-in-a-couple-of-years camp, have banded together to pool their resources. They are going to pay Doreen, Peculiar and Memory to tutor their daughters. Doreen, Peculiar and Memory are three young women who received Living Compassion loans to attend teaching college and, having graduated, are awaiting their first official job posting.  

So, from this “bad news” of the grade 8 results, we now have a group of inspired, determined parents working together to employ a group of young women who have graduated from college and were born and raised in Kantolomba to educate a group of girls on the cusp of adolescence, poised to be the next flag bearers of success for the little girls coming up behind them.  

How good is that? 

It’s no wonder we love this team!  
