I am basking in gratitude having just finished another amazing year of Practice with Sangha, receiving the gift of workshops and beautiful weekly assignments that offered guidance to deeper and deeper insights of what we truly are.
I am especially grateful for the last assignment which provided the critical reminder that the “practice of awareness is in essence a practice of investigating the mind.” How terrifically helpful, as I watch a familiar process of incessant planning and reviewing during the holiday season. It is exhausting when I buy into it. But the assignment reminded me that this is what the mind does, that these are habitual karmic patterns and there is nothing wrong. As I become more familiar with the process of planning and reviewing, it becomes increasingly clear that it is just another habit of the mind and not me. What a gift.
Setting the timer for a two-minute break every 30 minutes has been tremendously supportive in breaking this karmic tendency. At first I heard internally that this was an annoying interruption, which of course it was for conditioned mind. Having practiced this for several weeks, the timer bell now brings a smile and gratitude for the respite. It offers the gift of silence and Presence.
Meditating during wakeful hours of the night, as recommended by the Guide, has provided another window into the karmic patterns. In the quiet darkness, the workings of the mind are revealed for the habits they are, and I practice returning to the breath over and over again, increasingly experiencing the gift of peace and deep relaxation.
Another tool, borrowed from a Thich Nhat Hanh practice, is reciting first thing in the morning, “As I awaken to this day so may I awaken to ….,” and see what drops in. It provides a heart-opening focus for the day, similar to that offered by What Universe Are You Creating?, and leaves less wiggle room for conditioned thinking. It renders the gift of focusing attention on what the heart desires.
As we enter this new year, gratitude continues to overflow for the generous Practice offerings now available, supporting this life in ending suffering and awakening to Life’s limitless gifts.
In deep gasshō,
Practice Corner
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