
2025 Practice Offerings

Farm Steward Program
Duration/ 1 Week

The Buddha taught that it is possible to end suffering in this lifetime and live a life of compassion and goodness.
That sounds like a great idea. 
However, if we don't have a process, a practice for moving from where we are to where we want to be, ending suffering remains only an idea.  
Practice moves us from idea to reality.
Being a steward at A Long View Farm is the opportunity to practice Love In Action. As Robin Wall Kimmerer reminds us:
“Knowing that you love the earth changes you, activates you to defend and protect and celebrate. But when you feel that the earth loves you in return, that feeling transforms the relationship from a one-way street into a sacred bond.”
The vision of A Long View Farm is to work with the land in a way to restore its fertility and biodiversity; to farm it mindfully, to practice cultivating trees and food crops that nourish all that live off the land-plants, creatures and people.  In other words, to embody the qualities of true stewardship. Robin Wall Kimmerer again:
“We need acts of restoration, not only for polluted waters and degraded lands, but also for our relationship to the world. We need to restore honor to the way we live, so that when we walk through the world we don’t have to avert our eyes with shame, so that we can hold our heads up high and receive the respectful acknowledgment of the rest of the earth’s beings.
The land is the real teacher. All we need as students is mindfulness.”
As Zen Awareness Practitioners, we are skilled at paying attention. We understand the value of working meditation and the importance of practicing being the change we want to see in the world.
A Long View Farm
A Long View Farm is located in Sequim, WA, on 25 gorgeous acres surrounded by forest and mountains. It’s vision is to be a model of agroforestry, the USDA definition of which is:
Agroforestry is the intentional mixing of trees and shrubs into crop and animal production systems to create environmental, economic, and social benefits. It is a unique land management approach that provides opportunities to integrate productivity and profitability with environmental stewardship, resulting in healthy and sustainable agricultural systems. Agroforestry practices can help accomplish many goals, including job and entrepreneur creation, bioenergy production, resilience to floods, droughts, and other effects of climate change, local and regional food system development, carbon sequestration, clean and abundant water, and the economic revitalization of rural communities.
About the Program
The program is structured around working on the land and participating in farm activities.  When not participating in working meditation, stewards will have time to enjoy the beauty and silence of the Sequim countryside, meditate, R/L, do yoga, walk, cook a healthy meal, all while living in community and keeping the privileged environment. Opportunities for group with local Sangha and guidance with Cheri will also be available.

  • This program is for advanced practitioners who are ready to take stewardship of their own practice schedule and are able to keep the privileged environment without oversight.
  • Being physically fit and able to participate in chores and farm activities is essential. 

Program Duration: 1 week

  • Longer stays are possible. Please indicate how long you are interested in extending the visit in your application.
  • Please plan to arrive on a Sunday and leave on the following Saturday.

Program Logistics

  • This program is by application only. Please do not make arrangements until you hear that you have been accepted into the program.
  • Stewards are asked to make their way to Sequim under their own steam.
  • Stewards will be staying at Sangha House on the Farm.
  • Stewards will have access to kitchen facilities and be responsible for cooking their own vegetarian meals.
  • Stewards will have access to laundry facilities.
  • Additional details on what to bring/what not to bring will be provided upon acceptance into the program

If you are interested in being a Farm Steward, please apply here.
Non Resident Program
It is also possible to participate in farm activities while staying off campus. Please apply here.