
2025 Practice Offerings

Yoga for Sangha
Dates/ January 15-April 15
Cost/ $30
Registration closed

January 15, 2025 - April 15, 2025
Registration closes at 5:00 p.m. PST on January 14


Yoga is not about the pose
It’s not the alignment of
toes or hips or shoulders.
It’s not about the form.

Yoga is an invitation to
explore, not a command
performance.  It speaks
the language of the soul.

In the flow of breath and
motion, yoga coaxes us 
from the confines of the
known, across the silent 
threshold into vastness.

Yoga is the union of prayer 
and movement, guided from 
inside.  It is healing and the 
joy of saying yes to life. 
-excerpted from Yoga by Danna Faulds

Kick off the New Year with breath, movement and care for the body! As awareness practitioners, we have the happy blessed invitation to practice yoga as:

-Lovingkindness for the body, the vehicle of awakening
-Deepening the relationship with the Mentor
-Exploring going beyond limitations, asking what's possible from a place of curiosity and lovingkindness
-Moving with attention on the breath; practicing being in sync with the Life pulse
-Training to embody the happiness that is our authentic nature

If you can breathe, you can practice yoga! Options will be offered, and as with everything in practice we are encouraged to experiment with doing a little more than the voices say is possible, and recalling that nothing is more important than compassion. Each session is an invitation to breathe, relax, build strength and flexibility, and enjoy caring for the body!

Participants will receive two new Sangha Yoga videos each month from January 15-April 15. These yoga practices are specifically designed for Sangha, grounded in the themes of awareness practice. The videos can be viewed at any time that works for your schedule, and can be downloaded to view again and again.

A portion of all proceeds will be donated to Living Compassion.